A few of my favorite Things

  • Costco time with Jonny and Maggie and Mr Pauls House, Pluckers with Uncle T and Ryan
  • Ballet, School, Stretch and Grow and Riding my bike
  • Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Zoe
  • Hot Dogs, French Fries, Grapes, Pizza and Broccoli
  • Toy Story, Monsters Inc. Shrek and FInding Nemo

About Me

My photo
Born June 16, 2008 9:46 pm 7 lbs and 7 oz 20 inches via c-section

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Great Pumpkin

We spent a couple of hours at the Arboretum the only sunny day of the last 3 weeks, it was also the hottest day of the last 3 weeks! Wow, we were all sweating! It was so much fun! I was allowed to get down and run to my hearts content, and there were lots of other kids there too! September starts the holidays there with the Fall Pumpkin Festival. They had Pumpkins in all different sizes, shapes and colors! I found my favorite! They also have these story book houses that maybe we can go back on a less busy day to explore. They had Treasure Island, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Eragon, Hanzel and Gretel and many more!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Eye of the Storm

Ear infection. check
Temperature. Check
Pacifier. Check
Favorite stuffed animal from home. check
Alright so someone thought it would be a good idea to take me to this place, not feed me or give me anything to drink, lock me in a room where I feel like a lab rat with lots of people coming in and out to squeeze my leg, stare down my throat or play with me, give me something called "silly juice" and watch me be silly. THEN they thought it would be fun to take me away from my mommy and put me in a white room with lots of funny looking machines with lots of noise and put a mask on my face that smelled like strawberries and made me fall asleep. They decided it WASN'T a good idea after devil baby emerged when I was woken up. If people have not learned yet, you do not wake a decendant of a McLauglin up when they are sleeping. HELLO!?!!! I had no idea where I was, who was around me and I just couldn't be calmed down. I was out of control and I had no idea why. Once Mommy was allowed to come back and see me (smelling of strawberry poptarts, not nice) she tried to comfort me but even that didn't help, I finally grabbed Grover and was able to fall back to sleep until that silly thing sqeezed my leg and I started to howl all over again. They finally let me go home and then they tried to take me away from Mommy again so she could go get the car. I was having no part of that! Who knows what they would try to do to me while she was gone this time! After we ate lunch with Daddy and Uncle Jonny, Mommy and I went home where I took a nice peaceful nap and when I woke up the fun started all over again. I wanted to play but when I tried to walk my legs were wobbly and I kept falling over. I would hold on to the table and Bella or Biscuit would walk past and push me over. Each time I overreacted and would start wailing all over again! Mommy finally just stopped trying to help me and just let me cry. I found Bellas favorite toy and laid down on top and just watched TV with Mommy. I was fine by the time Daddy got home from work and I think that made mommy a little frustrated!