A few of my favorite Things

  • Costco time with Jonny and Maggie and Mr Pauls House, Pluckers with Uncle T and Ryan
  • Ballet, School, Stretch and Grow and Riding my bike
  • Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Zoe
  • Hot Dogs, French Fries, Grapes, Pizza and Broccoli
  • Toy Story, Monsters Inc. Shrek and FInding Nemo

About Me

My photo
Born June 16, 2008 9:46 pm 7 lbs and 7 oz 20 inches via c-section

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Holloween Hoopla

Wow, yesterday was about as weird as they come. Daddy took me to school in my pajamas and told me it was pajama day so I had to. Then at school kids went from door to door asking for tricks or treats. (Why would you ask for someone to trick you?) THen Daddy picked me up from school and took me to see Mommy at work where I got a lot of attention from a lot of people dressed all the same. Mommy told me that all the nurses were supposed to be a MASH unit, whatever that is. All the kids at her job were dressed up funny. Like princesses or vampires or Tinker bell. It was weird though cause none of the kids had hair! Even less than me! Mommy let me work with her a little bit and told me later that I made one teenagers day cause she got to play with me! I don't know what she did but it must have been bad cause she was on isolation and couldn't play with other kids! Mommy said she used to have a bad infection that cleared up but the important people at the hospital had rules and so she had to stay in her room. SHe also joked with me that I had more hair than her!

1 comment:

sheralyn said...

LOVE the costume! I like to think your mommy picked it out just for me :) :):) :)