About Me
- Emily Elizabeth
- Born June 16, 2008 9:46 pm 7 lbs and 7 oz 20 inches via c-section
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Come on Santa!
It has busy busy around here! I spent 3 great weeks staying at home with amma and ampa for 1 week and Noni for the other part while Mommy and Daddy went on their cruise without me:( We had a blast while they were gone though! (Just don't tell them, I don't want to hurt their feelings!) Since they have been back I seem to be spending a ton of time at school! I go in early and come home late! When we are at home Mommy is baking, packing, washing, wrapping and yelling either at me( I seem to be a bit whinier then she prefers) or the Dogs for playing with my toys, fighting or stealing food off the counter. The Christmas tree is up but doesn't look as pretty at the bottom as it does at the top and I love looking at the neighbors Christmas lights and "Ohhhhhh" everytime I see them! ( Mommy and Daddy says we will forgive them for being U of A fans!) Mommy and I have been working on my letter to Santa and know exactly what I am going to ask for. Hopefully those talented little people that make them will get it right! I played with the kitchen that Amma and Ampa got me the other day. THe only catch was that it was at the Oil change place. Mommy and Daddy still haven't taken mine out of the box! I'm excited tomorrow we are going shopping for my friends Abby, Lilly and Melon! It will be so much fun being the older friend for 2 of tem and knowing exactly what they will love to play with! I hope Uncle Pat and Aunt Paula like what we sent them! Watch your doorstep on monday, It should be there! I will see everyone else in Az on Thursday!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
From Hilton Head we got into the car AGAIN and drove to Augusta, Ga. We sayed at Great Grandmomma's house and went to visit her at her new appartment. How did she know that balloons and bananas were my al time favorite thing? She had both but I was a little leary of yet another new person and kept Mommy and Daddy close by! Auntie Sherri stayed at the house with me and immediately became my new toy! She brought me a new purse with a to-go grover, a monster book and my very own cell phone with a direct line to Princess Belle! What more could a girl ask for? I made sure that Auntie Sherri was not too far from me at all times! On Saturday we also went to visit Mrs McKowen. She had the best toys, she had a cow stool that was perfect for me to sit on and she gave me a new stuffed cow to keep! Thanks! She also gave Mommy some new reading material that doesn't have any vampires in it! Saturday night we went to Sarahs wedding and she looked just like a Princess in her pretty white dress and I had a blast talking to all new people!
My week as a Southern Belle!
What a whirlwind week I had! Daddy picked me up from school Friday night and then we went to pick up Mommy from work. (I think they got new uniforms at work cause she came out looking like one of those little people from Snow White, with a hat that said Sneezy, what a weird place for her to work!) then we drove 12 hours to Great Grandmommy and Bum Bums house in Conyers, Ga. When we got there Nony and Bum Bum played with me and Mommy and Daddy disappeared. When they re-appeared, we got back in the car and drove to Grey, Ga. While we were there we got all dressed up and different people and went, by golf cart, door to door, they had me do my new trick of saying trick or treat and Thnak you and everyone told me how cute I was then put food in my bat bag. How strange,yet exhilerating! On Monday we woke up and dove to Atlanta to the Aqarium then to Charlotte, NC to visit Uncle Pat, Aunt Paula and Talia. We hung out and played for a couple of days and went to some horse stables where Aunt Paula rode horses and Talia took me around to see all the different animals and pat the horses. It was so much fun! On Wednesday we went to Raleigh to Visit Aunt Susie and Uncle Archer then drove several more hours to Hilton Head, SC. We spent the night with Nony and Grumpo and the next day Daddy disappeared to work for a couple of hours and I tried to annoy Uncle Keith as much as I could! That night we drove to Savannah and went on a carriage ride! So much fun! I was quiet the whole time and listened to all the great ghost stories! Then we went to a nice dinner. Who knew that I would love Scallops! I have great and expensive taste already, watch out Daddy!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Park
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We Miss You Daddy!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
These skeletons want out of the closet.
Monday, October 12, 2009
A weally tired little wingnut!
Ok Miss Andy. I love you lots and I appreciate the deliciously wholesome yet economically friendly treats you give me every week, but seriously, if you choose to move to the new store in south nowhere, you would miss me a lot! Who would give you an excuse to ditch work and walk around in circles without looking like a ding dong? Who would sing to you and dance with you? And of course who would throw their mac and cheese at you? Because when I say you live in south no where, I AM NOT JOKING! 50 minutes and 4 freeways later, 2 stops to find the pacifier, 1 Mom freak out cause I am screaming, it is raining and the windows have fogged up so much that Mommy can't see through them, and 2 puppies about to explode cause they haven't been outside since 6:30 this am, later, we finally made it home!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My Happy Meal and Me!
I was so good today while Mommy did her running around that she took me to McDonalds and got me a Happy Meal, toy and all, and let me play on the indoor playground. I think she felt bad that it has done nothing but rain forever and wanted to get me out of the house! Oh well I will take it! I loved the chicken nuggets but did not like the breading at all so Mommy picked it off for me. I wasn't so sure about the playground though and kept grabbing my shoes for Mommy to put back on. There were to many big kids and too much screaming! Oh well, we went home and had a Harry Potter marathon in honor of Halloween! Good times!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Great Pumpkin
We spent a couple of hours at the Arboretum the only sunny day of the last 3 weeks, it was also the hottest day of the last 3 weeks! Wow, we were all sweating! It was so much fun! I was allowed to get down and run to my hearts content, and there were lots of other kids there too! September starts the holidays there with the Fall Pumpkin Festival. They had Pumpkins in all different sizes, shapes and colors! I found my favorite! They also have these story book houses that maybe we can go back on a less busy day to explore. They had Treasure Island, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Eragon, Hanzel and Gretel and many more!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Eye of the Storm
Ear infection. check
Temperature. Check
Pacifier. Check
Favorite stuffed animal from home. check
Alright so someone thought it would be a good idea to take me to this place, not feed me or give me anything to drink, lock me in a room where I feel like a lab rat with lots of people coming in and out to squeeze my leg, stare down my throat or play with me, give me something called "silly juice" and watch me be silly. THEN they thought it would be fun to take me away from my mommy and put me in a white room with lots of funny looking machines with lots of noise and put a mask on my face that smelled like strawberries and made me fall asleep. They decided it WASN'T a good idea after devil baby emerged when I was woken up. If people have not learned yet, you do not wake a decendant of a McLauglin up when they are sleeping. HELLO!?!!! I had no idea where I was, who was around me and I just couldn't be calmed down. I was out of control and I had no idea why. Once Mommy was allowed to come back and see me (smelling of strawberry poptarts, not nice) she tried to comfort me but even that didn't help, I finally grabbed Grover and was able to fall back to sleep until that silly thing sqeezed my leg and I started to howl all over again. They finally let me go home and then they tried to take me away from Mommy again so she could go get the car. I was having no part of that! Who knows what they would try to do to me while she was gone this time! After we ate lunch with Daddy and Uncle Jonny, Mommy and I went home where I took a nice peaceful nap and when I woke up the fun started all over again. I wanted to play but when I tried to walk my legs were wobbly and I kept falling over. I would hold on to the table and Bella or Biscuit would walk past and push me over. Each time I overreacted and would start wailing all over again! Mommy finally just stopped trying to help me and just let me cry. I found Bellas favorite toy and laid down on top and just watched TV with Mommy. I was fine by the time Daddy got home from work and I think that made mommy a little frustrated!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Too hot to live!
Wow, who thought going to the middle of the desert in August was a good idea? You were horribly, horribly mistaken! Yuck, take me back to less heat and more humid any day! 118 degrees is not compatible with life, at... all... Oh well I got to see lots of cool people and new stuff! I got to spend lots of time with both of my grandparents, Aunt Sheralyn, Uncle Charlie, Jane Peter, Sue and David, Mommy's friend Nicole, Jill and her new big girl class room which I loved! I got to go see grandma friend in a big girl school cafeteria, also lots of things for me to explore and play with. I even helped her by rearranging her furniture! I got to play in the big pool and the Hippo pool that grandpa bought me. I got to see Uncle Brian, Aunt Traci and Destint in Lake Havasu and my cousin Tara drove and met us in Casa Grande for lunch! Whew so much in just a week!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Infant Luau
The infant rooms had their luau at school today and invited all of our parents! Even though it was my day to stay home with Mommy she took me in anyway. She met several of my friends Mommies and Daddies, since she drops me off so early or Daddy drops me off, she never gets to meet any of them. Mrs Toke was also happy to see me since I did not get to go yesterday. Mommy and I took the day off since we both have ear infections, again! She went to the Dr On Mon and I wen yesterday. Ugh, I am sick of hearing through a muffler!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I live to walk!
I waited for everyone to leave then I really started to walk. Mrs Toke even tries to hide me walking at school so that they don't move me up to the Toddler room. She says she would miss me if I go!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Party Party Party. . . Paarrrty!
I had my first Birthday party! All my favorite people came and played with mw! I even met some new friends! Jill made me a Tigger cake that I didn't know what to do with at first but then I ripped his leg off and got lots of cheers. Mommy says she is still digging orange icing out of my ears! I got to have a race up and down the stais with my friend Olivia ( I let her win!) The grown ups let us "little people" go swimming while Daddy was cooking dinner. It was fun to play with Kyle and Caden and Olivia in the pool. I tried to swim all by myself, if Mrs Sonya wasn't there to catch me I woulda sunk to the bottom of the pool! I had a blast with all my new toys and my new friends that came with my older friend Olivia. They pushed me around in my Baby Einstein Flyer until 11:00 at night, they never let me stay up that late!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm one!
I turned 1 today! It was a great day! I spent the day with Grandmomma HAdden and then Mommy came home from work and played then Daddy came home from work with my Grandma and Grandpa McLaughlin! What a surprise! We spent the night eatting s'getti and then I got my very own cake that I drug into and shared with Bella and Biscuit, cause no one else would give them any! I was such a mess that no one would pick me up! I got a pre bath in the kitchen sink before they took me in to the shower and hosed me off!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Motor Boatin'
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Busy, Busy
I am so busy playing all the time that I just wear myself out. I had a good time the other night playing in my toy box, I found something at the bottom of it the other and reach to get it and fell in! My legs were just dangling in the air and I could hear Mommy laughling at me from inside the box! When I was finally able to pull myself out Mommy was crying and Daddy was laughing. Adults are soooo weird! I went over a played with Biscuit instead!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Take Me Out To The Ballgame!
I went to my first Texas Rangers game this week! There was so much to watch and listen to! Tuesdays game had a 2.5 hour rain delay so I got to listen to Uncle T and Uncle Ryan quiz each other on sports questions and watch everyone stuff their mouths with as much food as they could! The rain was unbelievable, we couldn't even see the other side of the field. Uncle Keith grumbled something about it raining every time he comes to see the Yankees play. Maybe it is Gods way of telling him that we don't like those mean ol' Yankees down here in Texas!
Monday, May 18, 2009
I almost forgot to tell you!!
You remember my friend Abby that was out a few weeks ago? Well, I forgot to tell you about our zoo trip. It was so fun. We saw lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Well, maybe not bears but we did see lions and tigers and monkeys! There was also an underwater exhibit with turtles and sharks and stuff. Dad says when I get old enough, I will get to go scuba diving with him! Sounds like fun! At the end of the day, I got to ride this wagon thingy that moved back and forth. It was pretty cool!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Friend Abby
My friend Abby came to visit this weekend from Arizona. We had a blast and Mommy and Daddy had a blast with her Mommy and Daddy! Friday we drove all over the city showing Abby everything from Dealy Plaza to Neiman Marcus. On Saturday we went out for lunch then Mommy and Abbys Mommy left us with Daddy and Abbys Daddy to go to the mall (birthday presents for me?) and see a silly movie! Then they came home and put us to bed. Today we went to the Fort Worth Zoo! So much fun! I waved to all the kitties and watched all the animals! They were all very playful and wonderful!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!
Happy MOthers Day to all! I am having all kids of fun pulling myself up on everthing! I freaked out Daddy the other night (and I got to stay up to play later cause of it! How silly the adults in this house are!) Mommy put me to bed while Daddy was changing the battery in the smoke detector. When they turned around to turn out the light and kiss me goodnight, I was standing to greet them! Daddy snatched me out of the crib and started to take apart my crib! Soooooooooooooo dramatic! After what seemed like forever, they finally got it back together and I had to go to bed! BOOOOOOOOOO! Up next; climbing!
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